Friday, March 10, 2017

March 10th 2017 Blog

Dear Readers of this blog, I have been absent from here for nearly one week.  It is difficult enough to keep up with the plethora of daily news and the many outlets from where these news items emanate.  It is important to have a number of different sources, in order to collaborate stories, which news outlets will filter through their producers and editors for content, fact checking, etc.  Some news outlets give a generous amount of autonomy to their more reliable and trusted reporters and contributors, along with their agents. 

In regards to my absence, there were some personal things to deal with that required more attention than normal and lost some sleep.  Perhaps a few of you did not miss me and I believe I made it clear that pandering to my audience is not part of my agenda.  I am here to provide a different perspective than most analysts do not take into account, for the simple reason that they are not big fans of their creator, who provides prophecies to those who are willing to listen and heed, in order to understand the meaning as to why there is so much confusion and chaos running amuck. 

The short meaning is that for every effect is a definite cause, which is true in the medical profession.  Doctors are no better than their education, for which are taught to ignore the causes and treat only the effect, which is why drugs and surgery are replacing true and lasting therapy as well as cures, but Big Pharma does not make any money with cures.  This is specifically why there will never be a Big Pharma cure for cancer, because cancer is the biggest money maker in the medical industry.  

Very few doctors will kill the goose that lays the golden eggs, but those doctors are endowed with a conscious.  The single largest contributor to all medical schools is Big Pharma, so now you know why there is so much bias in the use of drugs.  There is so much more, but if one would take time out for a little more education and stop with much of the social media and sports events, the same will discover the things I have found and put me out of a job, which I find eminently satisfying.

This is one reason why I recently published another recent book titled, “Growing Your Own Groceries”, which is much more than just a book about gardening, where there is more focus on soil fertility that will provide the highest quality yield and far better nutrition than any other conventional, GMO crops and yes even from many organic growers, for the simple reason that all nutrition begins in the soil.  I also provide some peripheral information that contributes to a better lifestyle that is less stressful, an introduction that is more of a reality check and other pertinent information for better overall healthy living.  

Growing produce for any one particular method is the product of one’s education.  If that education is lacking, then so will the quality of the yield of any produce, for which I was guilty of this myself, until 2010, even though I was practicing growing organic since 1988.  Even your finest doctors need to continue their education all during their tenure after graduating and interning, for this is why some doctors exceed their predecessors, write eye opening books and lecture. 

In 2010, I discovered what might be considered a “missing link” in the growing of produce as well as animal husbandry, for which very few have latched onto, only because the material and method of the use of a vital “life-giving” component has been hidden for several decades, but yet well-known in some very small circles.  The method and component is described in detail in this book I have written.  Soil science is a very complex subject, only because of the many components that need to be included in true fertile soil and if that soil is truly fertile, even destructive insects have no desire for the taste of that particular crop.  An attack by destructive insects is a tattle-tail sign that there is something wrong with the soil and needs attention, for which I provide the proof.  The use of insecticides is the same method doctors’ use exclusively and that is to treat the effects and not the cause, which is why our society is inundated with so many drugs, which is a short-cut method of treatment and never a cure!

My apologies for providing very little news of the day, but the following is all I have for now and if I am spared from so much distraction as I have in the past week, I might be able to produce more.  Thank you for your patience and attention.

President Trump’s treatment of the press is not anything really new; it is more a question of style, for which some people understand, but in other camps it makes for far more criticism than is deserved.  You see my friends, President Trump is unlike any other president we had in the past, but perhaps with two outstanding exceptions; President Andrew Jackson, who is prominently displayed in the Oval Office and President Abraham Lincoln.  In a prior blog, I described President Trump with the soul of President Andrew Jackson and the heart of President Abraham Lincoln and of course all three have and had both their supporters and detractors.  

It should not be surprising that President Trump has thrown away nearly all prior playbooks of past presidents and the news focused on President Trump’s bowling and pizza meetings with Republicans who are not convinced of the overall package of the “American Health Care Act”.  The understanding is that there are three phases to this “act” and it is the first “phase” that needs to be latched onto, in order to allow the following two “phases” to be debated in committee(s).  This is a far cry from when Nancy Pelosi stated that, “We need to pass this bill before we read it”, lest it is debated, emphasis mine. 

It is interesting to note that some of those Republicans are up for re-election, for which I am quite sure President Trump reminds them how much more support he received from those districts.  President Trump is not shy, just as Ronald Reagan was not shy in presenting his case to the American People.  In my opinion, these “career” politicians fear the Liberals in their districts verses what is good for the nation.  In addition, career politicians have one basic agenda—the next election.

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.