Sunday, March 12, 2017

March 12th 2017 Blog

Whenever two or more sovereign nations are engaged in war; there comes a point when both sides are interested in peace.  However, there is one important systemic problem associated with any negotiation—each side wants peace on their own terms.  Such is the case with the disagreements within the Republican Party about the so-called “repeal and replacement” of ObamaCare.  There is no argument that ObamaCare is owned by the Demoncrats and perhaps some Republicans want the “American Health Care Act” as their own.  This attitude is nothing more than an ego trip.  However, at least on the surface, it appears to be the “tax credits” that seems to be a high hurdle to overcome, in the midst of a Republican concenses.

The legislatures have two choices—let the Republicans hammer out a deal we can all live with, or continue infighting until ObamaCare completely collapses.  ObamaCare had already reached critical mass back in October and became a plank for the Republican platform.  The then President Obama was quite aware of the penalty provision that was slated to take place at the beginning of the New Year.  When Hillary lost her bid for the presidency; Obama wasted no time with informing the IRS to remove the penalty phase.  This implementation was done strictly for political reasons that would add more disruption to the incoming administration, for which President Trump would be blamed for the failure of the so-called “Affordable Care Act, for the simple reason it would happen on his watch.

Recently, there has been water cooler talk about what is termed, “The Deep State”.  This term is merely recycled from a number of terms used in times past, such as; “World Revolutionary Movement”; “Shadow Government” and “Military Industrial Complex”.  However, I believe “The Matrix” more aptly applies… why?  First we need to have a degree of separation from the movie series of the same name.  Any “matrix” is a creation with a built-in life sustaining component and that component is far more elusive than a military secret, because military secrets are the most fleeting of all.

The specific type of “matrix” I am referring to is a “created reality”, one which has a life of its own, for which very few have penetrated its shield, such as the likes of William Guy Carr, for his book “Pawns in the Game” and George Orwell’s “1984”.  “The Matrix” does have a history and goes back to 1700, but back at that time it was plan that was just beginning to be put into action.  Let me put it this way; all the major wars between sovereigns since 1700 were all carefully planned and executed, but many historians would have you believe there were other precipitating reasons involved.  For example; WWI was not truly caused by an assassination.  There was only one person who we all know, who printed the true reason for WWI in his newsletter in 1914; Henry Ford.  He blamed the Bankers, for which many of whom happened to be Jewish.  Henry Ford was correct in blaming the Bankers, but to specifically blame the Jews was reckless.  I believe it was this insinuation that began the anti-Semitic movement in the United States, which became a sad reality, when Jews escaping Europe at the birth of WWII, we turned them away.

Now why would the Bankers want to cause a war, you might ask and rightly so.  The answer is not what you might think or believe.  There was a study of thought that WWI was the war to end all wars and to a degree that is rather plausible.  However, “The Powers That Be” were far more astute than we might give them credit.  The true reason for WWI was to remove all the crowned heads of Europe and replace them with either some form of Democracy or Communism… why?  Because my friends, it is far easier to corrupt either of those forms of government than dealing with one very stubborn monarch.

We can clearly see what has happened to our “Democracy”… it has grown so large, it could not help but to be corrupted.  However, it was never meant to be this way, for the simple reason that we were designed as a “Republic”, but all that changed very shortly after our Civil War and then the United States was reformed into a corporation, but that specific venue was not going to go very well with the general public, so they termed our newly formed government and called it a “Democracy” and ever since then it has morphed into the Socialist behemoth we experience today. 

No doubt some of you are scratching your heads and some others might be declaring, “Wait a minute, what about all the freedoms we have?”  Excuse me, but you are not as “free” as you were led to believe and I will cite just one example; licensing for anything is not freedom or liberty, but a benevolent form of slavery.  Can anyone of my readers tell me when licensing began in the United States?  The first license was the marriage license, first instituted in 1868; the same time we changed from a Republic to a Demonocracy. 

Prior to that time, all marriages were simply recorded in the family Bibles.  Now, in order to perform marriages; the one presiding over the ceremony must be licensed.  Understand this; in law words mean everything, so it is with the words spoken by the minister, to wit: “By the powers vested in me by the State of _____, I now pronounce you man and wife.”  It used to be in the presence of God, so now guess what, the “State” is now God and is quite evident when filing for a divorce, or when Child Protective Services comes knocking on your door.  There is much more, but all this is in my book, “What Difference Does It Make?!”

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.