Thursday, March 30, 2017

March 30th 2017 Blog

The Senate Intelligence Committee met today to interview some witnesses regarding the Russian spying on our nation.  I was able to view some of this, but most of it was behind closed doors, because of the classified information that has been discussed.  However, I can give you my analysis of what I viewed this morning, for the first and only witness Dr. Roy Godson I was able to view.  Dr. Roy Godson was explaining the matrix of the Russian interference into world politics, so as you can see, we in the United States are not alone in these cyber attacks.  He highlights the phrase, “active measures” employed by the Russians.  The Obama Administration discounted the Russian threat by telling FBI Director James Comey to ignore it and be quiet.

There is more to this than meets the eye, considering all the Russian coziness of some Americans, namely the Clintons, John Postesta, etc., who had secured financial gains doing business with the Russians, during the years of Hitlary Clinton’s tenure in the State Department, between the years of 2008 to 2014.  It had taken 4 years for Hitlary to secure 20 percent of U.S. Uranium production through her foundation and a Canadian company.  So much for “humanitarian aid”.

I am sorry to say that it is quite apparent that the Demoncrats have declared war on anything coming from the Conservative side of our government.  “A house divided against itself cannot stand.”  The Demoncrats simply cannot understand why they have taken very heavy losses on a nationwide scale in the past 8 years.  Have they ever seriously considered that it has been the “Liberal” values that many Americans find so repugnant and also discovered that those views simply do not work?

There was a time when both parties would engage in battle in the halls of both the House and the Senate—then later met at the local watering hole.  This is no longer taking place, which simply means we can no longer expect to overtly witness the opposition crossing party lines.  There is far more attention being focused on “party differences” and so little focus on the problems that are now in crisis mode.  Doing the right thing has taken a backseat to the “Liberal” bias that has incubated from our “Liberal” colleges; spread into our once venerated institutions and expanded very broadly into our now thoroughly corrupted bureaucracies, who sometimes wield more power than our legislatures.  This is why I firmly believe that our bureaucracies have morphed into a 4th branch of our government.

Now, in order to back up this claim, one must consider the true reason for both WWI and WWII.  One might consider this last statement as a non-sequitur, so let me explain:  There was only one true reason for both world wars—the removal of the crowned heads of Europe and replaced with either a democratic or communistic form of government, for which both of them can be more easily corrupted than dealing with one stubborn monarch.  This is the precise agenda of “The Matrix” whose end game agenda is complete dominance over the entire planet.  You may have read from my prior blogs that this “Matrix” was started in the year 1700, for which every major war since then was planned and executed.  WWI did quite a bit of damage, but now quite enough, for which WWII became necessary to finish the job.  “Anything political is planned”, Franklin Roosevelt. And it does not matter who pays the price, for even those who maintain “The Matrix” did declare they did lose some of their own during WWII!

I have also cited in at least one other prior blog that it was Banksters, who started WWI and it was Henry Ford in his 1914 newsletter, where this accusation was highlighted.  Ford did mention “Jews” instead of my emphasis of “Banksters”, for which some “Jews” were among those “Banksters”, but not all of them were “Jews”.  And it is my firm belief that it was this particular rant of Ford that began the “anti-Semitic movement in the United States that prompted our nation to refuse taking in “Jews” during the exodus of the “Jews” from Europe, just before our involvement in that conflict.     

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.