Friday, March 3, 2017

March 3rd 2017 Blog Addendum

“You’re making me dizzy, my head is spinning…” from an old song back in the 60’s.  Both the Demoncrats and the media have made a circus out of all the brouhaha about the so-called “Russian” involvement with the Trump campaign.  It is interesting to note that anything the Demoncrats were involved with all during the Obama Administration was okay with them. Obama and his entire administration could do no wrong; this is called towing the party line.  In addition, during the joint meeting with both houses of Congress; the Demoncrats were having a conversation with the Ambassador of Russia, hmm…  Perhaps they were picking his brain to see if they could dig up more dirt about the Trump/Russian connection?

I might be repeating myself, but it stands to reason that the bitterness of the Demoncrats runs wide and deep.  They just cannot get over their losses over at least the past 8 years of being replaced by Republicans nationwide.  One might think in all that time they could smell something is burning in the kitchen.  They threw a bandage at the DNC, when they removed Debbie what’s-her-name and replaced with a new face, but have not changed anything else, which would be the substance of what and who they are as a party. 

After about 30 years of fumbling, stumbling and regrouping, they still do not get it.  In retrospect, their solution to every problem was simply to throw money at the problem and hope it will go away.  But the problem(s) would never go away, so they believed, “Oh, we probably needed more money,” and increase taxes to pay for it, but the problems persisted.  It does not help when we import more problems other countries do not want and the taxpayer is expected to dig deeper into their pockets to pay for them as well.  

Just as we “lowered the bar” on women who wanted to break into occupations that muscular men were more able to do, back in the early 70’s, we again “lowered the bar” in how we vet people, who we have very little knowledge, who are allowed to roam freely, give them more than ample money to sustain them and many of them are outright criminals, who have spread violence, mayhem, discord with the American way of life and have caused much suffering because of the loss of loved ones that the media has purposely have ignored, when it is discovered that an illegal immigrant was involved. 

Candidate and President Trump was fully aware of the situation and shouted from a number of places that this behavior cannot continue, for which the Demoncrats would never do, because they only care about their agenda and election.  The mere utterance of “Radical Islamic Terrorism” would both shame and embarrass them to no end…why…because there is no “political profit” in it!  In essence, the Obama Administration had every intention (still do) to changing the face of America and adding Shariah Law to our culture.  It is bad enough that we have two distinct venues of law in the works now, but many Americans are not aware of those distinctions, for which I clearly laid it out in a book I have written titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!”  If you believe that two very different venues of law are not enough; how about three, with the addition of “Shariah Law”?!  

There are some judges who support Shariah Law and implement those laws when the opportunity presents itself in their jurisdiction.  How can they do this?  Simple, they did take an oath to support and uphold the Constitution, but as “Masons” (for whom most judges are) take another oath that nullifies all other oaths!  Therefore, when one cannot get the justice due them, this is the reason.  “Draining the swamp” is only the beginning of cleaning up Washington D.C., for it is the courts that have deteriorated our system of justice since 1938, but the real problem actual began in 1868, but that is another story that you will find in, “What Difference Does It Make?!” 

Sure, I could give you my book here on this blog a little at a time, but then I would lose my living as a writer, because I am not earning any money with this blog.  However, you are receiving much about it in other words, along with my analysis of the news diseur.  I used to be a self-employed builder/handyman, but physically I can no longer do that kind of work.  I do not mind sharing less than 1000 words a day with my readers and I appreciate the rather small readership I do have.  One may or may not agree with me, but there is one thing that a lack of readership cannot do; and that is killing my passion.

I do not like to brag, but I am a rather unique person, who not only understands law, but also the Bible, for which (believe it or not) our Constitution emanates, because it is God who gave us our rights and it is “men” who steal those “rights” from us, for which is done every day in our courtrooms; all of which can be found in the book I have written and is also the title of this blog, “What Difference Does It Make?!”

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.