Thursday, March 2, 2017

March 3nd 2017 Blog

It never ceases to amaze me as to what lengths the Demoncrats will go, in order to maintain their agenda and disenfranchise the President of the United States.  The media of course is complacent with their love affair with the Demoncrats and have done nothing more than to spin the so-called “Russian” involvement during the election campaign, for which the investigation spanned in at least 3 different agencies, who stated as a matter of fact that there is absolutely no evidence to support the allegations of interference of the election outcome.

The voters are also very upset with the Demoncrats and have echoed from the Clinton Administration to “move on”.  President Trump and his administration has far too much to handle, just from the mess that the Obama Administration has left behind, not to mention both Obama and Clinton leftovers, who are not only leaking information to the press, but also threatening some employees who support the Trump Administration, as should everyone who works under whatever administration is in charge, otherwise their desks should be placed outside, until they resign.  Yes, President Trump does have the option of firing those “leftovers”, but they must also be replaced and therefore those replacements need to be competent and that takes time, especially when it comes to security clearance.

The Demoncrats have also pushed to get a special prosecutor assigned, but that can only be done when one has enough evidence to support a criminal investigation, for which no such evidence exists.  There is no doubt that the Demoncrats have nothing but distain for President Trump and his agenda, which is to serve the American People and not to be self-serving as the merchandised legislatures have become on both sides of the isle, which is precisely why we need “term limits” on all legislatures.  Too many legislatures have become far too comfortable in their “purchased” positions; again, this is why President Trump has put some restrictions on lobbyists. 

Attorney General Sessions has rightfully recused himself from the investigation.  It is interesting to take careful note as to the questions that were asked of Sessions during the confirmation hearings.  Senator Al Franken specifically asked if Sessions discussed campaign issues with the Russians, to whom he had at least two meetings during the election campaign and his tenure as a Senator on the Foreign Relations Committee, for which Sessions answered “No”.  There was nothing out of the ordinary that had taken place, as to Sessions conversations with Russian diplomats, prior to being tapped as a choice for President elect Trump’s cabinet. 

President Trump’s last speech with both houses of Congress was the most presidential of all his speeches.  I hardly needed to say that because nearly everyone has come to the same consciences.  But again the Demoncrats had to say something about having the widow of Ryan Owens and using her as a “prop”.  President Trump presented her as a person, who knew the risks of her son being subjected to all the hazards of military life.  She was just one of the many who have lost their spouses during this overdrawn conflict, for which much of it is Obama’s fault, for the simple reason the attorneys in the West Wing were running the war instead of his generals. 

By stark contrast President Trump is allowing his generals much more latitude in making operational decisions, especially when there is no time to have the Commander in Chief approve of the operation.  Covert communications can be a time consuming affair, when lives on are on the line.  I was never in the military, but I am quite familiar with military protocol and I am convinced that in order to protract a winnable war, you must put your trust in your field commanders, for the simple reason they are there and fully understand the working conditions they face, much more so than those who work a desk, despite their prior service.  There is no such thing as a “silver bullet” in regards to military campaigns and court cases.  Both have dynamic shifts to deal with and one cannot think of every possible contingency.                 

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.