Tuesday, March 21, 2017

March 21st 2017 Blog

It should come as no surprise about what the subject of this particular blog is going to be about.  One overt reason is my studies in law for more than the past 20 years.  Actually, my studies in law were more of an accident, promulgated by a book titled, “Pawns in the Game”, by William Guy Carr, 1958.  This particular book has been out of print since 1978, but as I see it, it should be venerated as basic book that exposes “The Matrix”, for which Carr has used another term, based upon the vernacular of his era as, “World Revolutionary Movement”.  In addition, this particular book and the dozen or so other books by William Guy Carr, have all been banned from all public libraries…why… Once reading just the introduction one will understand that the information contained therein, is an indictment on every government on the planet.  Not because they are intentionally evil (as some invariably are) but because of the control by the “Banksters”, or the more familiar “Illuminati”.  Yes, you can lump in the “Masons” in there, but many of them are not aware of the Illuminati using the “Masons”, as a repository for possible future members, but more so as being “Pawns in the Game”, for world domination, for which most CEOs, judges, etc. are “Masons”.

How did I come upon a copy of “Pawns in the Game”?  That is another “accident”.  When I moved to New-Mexico in 1994, it was because of an invitation by a contractor, but it was not long that I made a disturbing discovery about another employee and the boss’s live-in girlfriend, for which I did voice my concern and David (my boss) said that there was nothing to be concerned about and let it go.  However, 6 months later my suspicions were discovered and everything fell apart and I had to find other living quarters.  To make a long story short, I befriended a man who invited me to live with him.  He had a small library of interesting books and “Pawns in the Game” was one of those books he picked up at some yard sale.  

My apologies for not getting to the issue of the day, but I believe some background as to my education and everything else that has led me to be the man I am today.  Yes, there is a school of thought that at least some of us are purposely led into circumstances and experiences that lend themselves to mold a person in extraordinary and unique ways, for this is where I found myself several years after being introduced by my roommate to a group of pro se litigates.  I also want my readers to understand that I nobody’s fool.  My side life as a researcher since grade school and cultivating writing skills since 2002 has challenged some of those who believe this civilization can never end.  

As I stated in a previous blog that this particular mentality is doomed to fail.  My studies in law and other peripheral subjects and issues have exposed me to information and the proofs thereof that we are heading for the end of this civilization in probably less than 10 years.  In addition to my secular studies, I have also been a student of the Bible for about 38 years, for which prophecy is one of my better subjects.  Those prophecies, along with everything else I have discovered, are the basis for what I had said and continue to expound.

Both William Guy Carr and George Orwell got it right, as well as an anonymous 12 year Federal Judge did, whose treatise I have included in my book titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!”  I purposely included this particular treatise titled, “The Matrix and the U.S. Constitution”, along with my commentary.  For the most part I wholeheartedly agree with this judge, only because I also discovered much of what he found and the very reason I was utterly compelled to include his treatise in my book and to prove that I am not alone in everything I have written and will continue to write.

We must give credit when that credit is aptly due.  Again, President Trump made an outstanding pick; this time for a Supreme Court Justice, for which many on both sides of the isle agree that Neil Gorsuch is not a political hack.  Yes, I viewed much of the hearing and I must cite one particular thing Gorsuch stated, “When I became a judge, I was given a gavel, not a rubber stamp.”  So that my readers understand that I have no bias agenda; we must not respect a person, but respect his character by what that person does.  That my friends is not a riddle.  We as human beings develop characteristics, for which one can predict with reasonable accuracy how a person will act under most circumstances.  By the way, this is how humor evolves.  In addition, all humor has its basis in truth and never a falsehood.

For the most part, I viewed this hearing as political pandering and grandstanding, but this is the process that the legislatures have to conform, as a matter of form and necessity, according to the precepts of our Constitution.  20 Senators, each given 30 minutes to either boast or roast Neil Gorsuch, which makes for a long and arduous day.  There was some humor along the way, with Ted Cruz talking about mutton riding, or something like that and another Senator who found it rather astonishing that Gorsuch did not take a break to “pee”; his word, not mine!  More to come tomorrow on the subject of law.

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.